In this module from the APT, we talk about the functions our patients' problems and behavior serve for them, what fallacies exist around for example 'attention-seeking behavior', and what to do once we have uncovered the functions of the behavior. We'll look at hunches and ABC Analysis, depression, behavior that has 'built-in' functionality, and the importance of verifying that there aren't underlying physical causes. Functional Analysis is a concept that has long been recognised by those working with 'challenging behavior' but in fact it relevance is much wider than that. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more

In this distance learning module from the APT, you learn effective strategies to help your patients gain insight into their motivations and behaviors, by asking questions about and tracking feelings about their behavior. It is a wonderfully powerful and helpful action, because once we are all clear about those motivations and goals the person is well set up to start planning how best to achieve what they want - how to head in a life direction they value. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more

In this distance learning module from the APT, you'll learn strategies to help your patients consistently and effectively apply what is addressed during therapy sessions. There are 148 hours in a week and therapy maybe takes up just one of those, so what patients do in the remaining 147 is crucial, and we need to have strategies for addressing exactly that. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more

In this module, we talk about how to create a motivating vision for the patient to work towards, and the steps they will take to achieve it. 'Planning' is surely one of the most misunderstood concepts in therapy: patient may say they 'plan to give up drinking' or 'plan to conquer their depression' both of which may be relevant, but they are not plans, the are simply hopes or aspirations. Planning is a frequently-enjoyable and frequently-rewarding activity tailored to achieve such hopes and aspirations, and it is this we address in this module. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more

This course ‘does what it says on the tin’ and is for anyone who wants to get good sleep, as well as for professionals who want to learn about helping their clients to do so. It covers all the areas necessary and a few more besides. For example: your relationship with your bed, the sleep drive, the circadian rhythm, sleep myths, sleep hygiene factors, ‘napping’, how to get to sleep, the disruptive habits of partners, what to do on waking up in the middle of the night, biphasic sleep patterns, beliefs about sleep that can undermine us, as well as (briefly) related physical or biological factors relating to sleep and wellbeing. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. Bookings: Click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering for somebody else - or a group - create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please email finance@apt.ac stating; the course title, how many places you require, your organisation's purchase order number, and the name and address for the invoice to be sent to. Read more

In this distance learning module from the APT, we'll be looking at the different elements you should include in every therapy session. This allows you to provide the same quality of service to all of your patients, every time they see you and creates a structure they can use and rely on. Providing the same quality late on a Thursday afternoon as you do early on a Tuesday morning can be demanding, and having a solid structure for the therapy session is one of the strongest pillars we have in achieving this. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more
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