The course covers the background and rationale for PBS and then looks at understanding an individual’s needs, analysing their behaviour and understanding the role it fulfils. Positive and proactive, the training will empower delegates to develop individual PBS plans aimed at improving their clients’ environment and wellbeing, thus decreasing the likelihood of disturbed behaviour. Using skills and understanding from the course delegates will be able to develop specific client-centred plans, also considering their situation and family / carers.
Given that some incidents will inevitably still occur the course also covers steps to manage a crisis and to continually review and improve the plan. This is a powerful approach that improves the environment and wellbeing of both clients and staff.
The APT has mastered the delivery of PBS training 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course.
"I learned so much in the course. Though I had some previous knowledge of DBT, it truly clarified so much of the skills and theory of DBT"
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply.
"Very helpful, insightful, organised and easy to follow. Will definitely be using this knowledge and these resources with my clients. Highly recommend!"
With a wealth of clinical experience, the course has been written by Dr William Davies and presented by Dr Martin Horler, who presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using PBS and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the power of the subject.
"I enjoyed the presenter and overall format of the class. It was easy to follow and gave good examples of practising the components of DBT."
This course gives you a thorough introduction to Positive Behaviour Support, it is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or become a committed practitioner of PBS, this course is for you. The course can be studied by teams or individuals and can also be completed as part of The APT Diploma in Psychological Therapies or the The APT Diploma for working in Secure Psychiatric and Forensic Settings.
For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here.
To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.)
If you would like to be invoiced please email finance@apt.ac stating; the course title, how many places you require, your organisation's purchase order number, and the name and address for the invoice to be sent to.
The course covers:
What is Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)?
- Background of PBS.
- An introduction to the Model.
- Functional Behavioural Assessment.
- Primary Prevention.
- Secondary Prevention.
- Crisis Intervention.
- Relevant background legislation.
- Evidence for PBS.
Creating a high-quality environment
- Teamwork.
- Consistency, safety and reliability.
- Awareness of surroundings.
- Meaningful activities.
Considerations for the Individuals
- Communication
- Different styles.
- Why good communication is so important.
- External Stimuli.
- Health: physical and mental.
- Strengths, ability and motivation.
- Inclusion of their support network.
Functions of behaviour/functional analysis.
- Working out the purpose of the behaviour.
- Ways to respond to the behaviour.
- Treating the behaviour.
- What if we are wrong with our analysis?
Active Support
- What is Active Support?
- How it fits so well with PBS.
- The 4 essential components.
- Learning new activities:
- Task Analysis
- Backwards Chaining
- Prompt and fade.
- How to maximise the chances of successful implementation.
Understanding and Creating the PBS Plan.
- What is a PBS Plan?
- The 4 components.
- Avoiding an incident
- Developing alternative behaviours that meet the need.
- Increasing skills and communication.
- Longer term plans.
- What makes a good PBS Plan?
- Who is it for?
- Why do you need one?
- Creating a PBS Plan.
Implementing the Plan
- Consistency
- Staying positive.
- Regular evaluations and revisions.
- Staying Client-Centred.
Crisis Management
- Devising and implementing the most appropriate strategy.
Post Incident Learning
- Procedures to follow after an incident for both the person and their carer.
- The Improvement Cycle.
To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.)
If you would like to be invoiced please email finance@apt.ac stating; the course title, how many places you require, your organisation's purchase order number, and the name and address for the invoice to be sent to.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate APT Accreditation, Level 2 (18 hours CPD)
Learning credits
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